
RED 721 | Getting Published: Responsible Authorship and Peer Review (STUDENT) - TBA Session



Full course description

THIS LISTING IS THE TBA SESSION OF THIS CLASS. To be notified when a session of this class is scheduled, or if you cannot attend the already scheduled course, please enroll in this class.

Publication in science and academia serves several purposes. In addition to advancing the field by making new knowledge permanently and widely available to the scientific and lay communities, publication plays an integral role in an individual's career development. In this workshop, strategies for researchers and other academicians to publish their papers in well-regarded journals in their field will be presented. Several questions will be addressed including:

  • What criteria do editors and reviewers use in evaluating papers for publication?
  • What can an author do to enhance the likelihood that their manuscript will be reviewed and accepted?
  • What can an author do when their manuscript is rejected or unfairly evaluated?
  • What is considered ethical and unethical behavior when it comes to issues of authorship, peer review, data presentation, citation and discussion of the literature?
  • What are the rights and responsibilities of authors, editors, reviewers and readers?

Sign up for this course today!
