
RED 351 | Patent Searching and Public Information Resources



Full course description

This is a REd Asynchronous (online/self-paced) Class.
Class Description: Learn how to effectively search three of the most comprehensive patent databases available worldwide, on your schedule, and for free!

The United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) Web Patent Full/Text File, Google Patents and the European Patent Office ESP@CENET will be presented. Participants will understand how to more effectively search for United States and foreign patents; find foreign patent applications for United States inventions; stay current on trends in your research field and the work of your competitors; and begin to evaluate the marketing and licensing potential for new technologies. Participants will be able to reduce the amount of time and expense necessary to obtain copies of both domestic and foreign patents.

Class Objectives: Upon completing this class, you should be able to:

  • Perform online patent searches at using both the patent full-text database (PatFT) and the patent application full-text database (AppFT)
  • Perform online patent searches at Espacenet for foreign patents and corresponding U.S. patents
  • Describe how to reduce the amount of time and expense necessary to obtain copies of both domestic and foreign patents
  • Identify online trademark searching tools



Alfred Mowdood
Librarian; PTRC representative
J. Willard Marriott Library


Tallie Casucci
Assistant Librarian
J. Willard Marriott Library

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