
RED 670 | Pivot-RP Consultation / RED 791 | Funding Searches and Communication - TBA Session


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THIS LISTING IS THE TBA SESSION OF THIS CLASS. To be notified when a session of this class is scheduled, or if you cannot attend the already scheduled course, please enroll in this class. Please note that this will not be a "self-paced" class.

Class Description: In this class, we will discuss Pivot-RP (not to be confused with the Pivot Center at the University of Utah). Pivot-RP is a University of Utah searchable database purchased by the VPR Office. Pivot-RP is used to identify funding opportunities and view scholarly profiles. It is freely available to all faculty, staff, and students at the University. Participants will learn: 

1) how to set up researcher profile and/or claim profile

2) how to search Pivot for funding opportunities

3) how to locate/network with researchers with common research interests

4) new features and how to set up alerts and get help

5) tips and strategies for graduate students, new faculty at Utah, experienced researchers, and research administrators.

This class does not fulfill the requirements for the Certificate of Achievement program.